hey there

whats up dawg — Twilight Hound by Barbara Franc, via thisiscolossal

this is a writing experiment about privacy, my love for music, and the political, environmental upfuck we are in.

I am a newbie in all things privacy, feel free to share you own experience with me, since I am doing so.

I set up a new laptop, didn’t install any fonts or extentions, and chose tutanota as my emailprovider of choice, as a start.

privacytools.io has a lot of options for all platforms, if you are interested in this topic.

as a first album to post, I chose Järnnätter by Civilistjävel, a slowtech burner I stumbled upon via Sasha Frère-Jones’ newsletter the other day.

youtube is not really a prime example of felicitous privacy, but I have not figured out an alternative sollution yet.

enjoy, and thanks for reading.


